The public education pros are empowering students… and society !

More than 11,000 public education professionals are hard at work in our schools. These specialists often make a lasting difference in the lives of our students. From time to time, they even perform small miracles. Their committed effort helps educate, socialize and prepare as many students as possible, thereby reducing social inequalities. For many, their help makes the difference between failure and success. Together, they represent over 30 diverse professions in three main sectors. Discover them today!

The pros in direct services: maintaining close ties with students

Their work is vital. They intervene directly with our students, school teams and parents, evaluating needs and offering solutions adapted to each school’s reality. These professionals come from a variety of fields, and each has a specific area of expertise. They include psychology, psychoeducation, “orthopédagogie”, speech therapy, occupational therapy, social work, guidance counselling, and animation in the areas of student life, spiritual life and community involvement.

The pros in educational services: supporting school teams

These specialists play a key role in the support of teachers and school teams. By advising, guiding, popularizing, communicating, supporting, listening and training, they foster continuous professional development, while sharing the most recent findings and best practices stemming from educational research.

What’s more, they advise our school community in the choice of documentary resources that best meet the needs of each educational program. They also facilitate the harmonious integration of digital and other emerging technologies. Specific educational services include counsellors and librarians.

The pros in administration: expertise helping our schools

These are the essential members who keep our school service centres running smoothly and effectively. From accounting to IT, from procurement to communications, their work is felt everywhere. Specialties include communications consultants, nutritionists and dieticians, engineers and architects, analysts, development officers, translators, and financial managers. Often, they work in the shadows, but our educations systems shine thanks to their informed expertise.